Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Thanks guys!
Really enjoyed riding with you all.
Hope everyone had a safe journey home.
I look forward to next year; but until then, in the words of the esteemed philosopher Johnstonus, "Not another @#$% hill!"

1 comment:

jilsar said...

Tale of a survivor

just a thankyou for the company and support over the last 3 days of masochistic delight. key memories are:-

- never, never, never give phil full sugar coke
- that craigs body does something to food to turn it into a deadly noxious gas
- that leon snores
- that when jules says 'its 8 miles straight down this road' - it may not necessarily be correct
- that i can't ride a bike up hills
- that i can ride/push a bike 53 miles in a day

it was a good laugh - next year i'll do the flat bits with you

